A fifty second trailer for upcoming film Fifty Shades of Grey has been released, with its premier coming during popular TV series Scandal last week. The clip features the character, Christian Gray as played by Jamie Dornan and Anastasia Steele as played by Dakota Johnson. In the preview there is a micro-second of Rita Ora, who plays Grey’s sister Mia, at 2:03. The clip shows Anastasia’s first meeting with Christian and the the path that leads to a dominant/submissive relationship. Beyonce’s song “Haunted” plays in the background. Reflecting the positioning of the movie as a couples film it will premiere on the eve of Valentine’s Day, February 13th.
Because of its uneven literary quality, criticism of the books (there are three volumes) that inspired the movie has been intense. Published in 2011, it has sold approximately 100 million copies worldwide so while it may not be a great piece of literature, clearly there is a readership drawn to sexual themes of bdsm, and perhaps part of the massive appeal is they they’re presented in a manner that is clear and uncomplicated. Not shocking really as is often the case fascination with the mating game often trumps an interest art. And give the low artistic bar of the book, perhaps this will be on of those uncommon cases, in which the movie ends up being better than the book. The major obstacle is that sexual attraction is the ultimate personal statement and the two actors however talented they may be, simply by virtue of having a physical manifestation will repel many who had someone else in their mind when they read the book.