UPDATE: The GQ story is now online and really the worst part about it is the lede (posted in the above image). Written by Carrie Battan, yes, a woman, the tone comes across as a bit cynical/judge-y in that way that articles about celebs can sometimes be. Rose is painted as a bit of an other-world alien, with whom the writer seems to not feel much of a connection. Kanye West definitely receives more of a kid glove treatment (surprise, surprise), but overall if you get past the celebs-are-so-bizarre-approach, the article does a decent enough job representing Rose’s life at the moment. That said, after this, it’ll probably be a cold day in hell before Amber invites another reporter to spend time in her home and around her child.
Based on Amber Rose’s Instagram post (image above) it looks like she was approached by GQ magazine to do a feature, which she assumed would focus on her book, How to Be a Bad Bitch, and the Slutwalk she recently helped organize in Los Angeles. Based on the story headline and lede, it looks like GQ couldn’t embrace giving Rose her own agency and instead chose to frame her in relation to two of her famous exes. All of that was sprinkled with gratuitous references to her body size–free of charge! Rose’s response on Instagram read as follows:
Really @gq??? I’m so much more then Kanye’s Ex or Wiz’s baby’s mama. Damn, why the fuck did u guys reach out to me for this article and photoshoot? To dumb me down? I talked about feminism and my Slutwalk… Wtf nice title smh I expected so much more from u guys and I’m so disappointed. I was so excited to be featured in GQ not realizing I was shooting for a tabloid. My slutwalk was for ignorant shit like this. Oh “Her beautiful dark twisted journey to the top”? Nice pun. Negative af. Thx for nothing.
Really though, it’s hard to be surprised. Basically all of media is male-owned and when it’s male owned AND focused on reaching a male demographic the coverage of women is inevitably madonna/whore. Whether as suitable dream wife material or fodder for sexual fantasy, your purpose is as an object for male consumption. That said, we’re all for Rose taking up the torch on this issue. Hopefully she is mindful to protect her heart and has a good support system because really she is taking on the “muva” of all battles.