Kith Women has launched a sexy, cool collection of separates for summer 2018. Offerings include cozy sweatpants, along with a satin pajama set and slip dress with spaghetti straps plus a cropped t-shirt with an elastic hem and a one-shoulder tank top. Items are subtly detailed with either the letter k or the Kith logo, making use of a Gothic font.
Offerings have the versatility to go from cozy to sexy depending how they’re coordinated.
All of these items were dropped as part of a daily drop that took place from Monday through Thursday (July 16-20, 2018) and then relaunched as a group today, along with a lookbook.
Priced from $95 for the one-shoulder tank top up to $175 for the satin slip dress, Kith Women’s summer collection goes live on Friday, July 20th at 11:00 AM EST at all Kith locations and
Check out a Vanessa Granda-shot lookbook with styling by Gianna Santos below.