New York-based film club Magic Hour has announced plans for its third film-screening event, which will feature Brooklyn-based filmmaker Mariama Diallo’s film “Hair Wolf,” a short that was the recipient of a 2015 Sundance jury award.
In addition to “Hair Wolf,” Diallo has selected six additional filmmakers to screen their shorts at the event. Additional features include “Mulignans” by Shaka King, “Walk for Me” by Elegance Bratton, “Dirt” by Darius Clark Monroe and “195 Lewis” by Chanelle Aponte Pearson.
Magic Hour was founded earlier this year by Tremaine Romano, Francesca Mirabella and Kylah Bene Trapp to created events that amplify the work of up-and-coming creatives in a relaxed/fun setting.
The event will also include a display of movie posters by Caspar Newbolt of Version Industries with live music by Jeffandy AllTogether and sounds by DJ Questionmarc.
The event will take place in Brooklyn on October 21, 2018 from 6:30-10:30 PM. If you’d like to attend, please RSVP here.
Check out previews of all of the featured artists below.
“Hair Wolf” by Mariama Diallo
“Mulignans” by Shaka King
“Walk for Me” by Elegance Bratton
“Dirt” by Darius Clark Monroe
“195 Lewis” by Chanelle Aponte Pearson