Dallas-born rapper Cuban Doll paid a visit to Adam Grandmaiso’s “No Jumper” show, an exchange that ended after about 16 minutes when Cuban took off her headphones and left the interview. Cuban cut the interview short when Grandmaiso asked Cuban if she was the inspiration for “I Kill People” a song released in June 2018 by Trippie Redd featuring Chief Keef and her ex-boyfriend Tadoe, who allegedly beat up Cuban in May 2018.
The entire exchange can be described as off kilter and it could be in part because it’s Cuban’s first interview since the October 2018 beat down and caging of Detroit rapper Rocky Badd that was allegedly orchestrated by Cuban.
After Cuban left, Grandmaiso said Cuban had stipulated prior to the start of the interview that he couldn’t ask any questions related to Rocky. Despite the agreement, Grandmaiso asked multiple indirect questions about the Rocky incident, which Cuban described as fake news.
Cuban also reiterated she wasn’t ever dropped from her label, a claim she initially made on Instagram Live after the Rocky incident and then walked back.
Check out the exchange below.