Supreme has announced that its upcoming drop will include a capsule paying tribute to Marvin Gaye, an American soul singer/songwriter. The image used is taken from his What’s Going On album, released in 1971 and widely viewed as one of his best and most influential projects. Items included in the drop include a hoodie, t-shirt and skate deck.
Along, with the Marvin Gaye items, Supreme will also drop four additional t-shirts. One with a smile graphic by Sancheto,
The Marvine Gaye capsule and t-shirts will drop on December 13, 2018 in-store in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Los Angeles, London, and Paris at 11:00 AM local time. They will be sold on at 11:00 EST in the United States and 11:00 AM GMT in Europe. The collection goes live in Japan on December 15th.
Check out all the goods below.