Headlines about Chanel‘s spring ’20 runway presentation this morning (October 1, 2019) in Paris were overtaken by French comedian and catwalk crasher Marie S’Infiltre (real name Marie Benoliel), who emerged from the audience, awkwardly climbed onto the runway and inserted herself into the model procession not unlike a marathon interloper hopping into the race in the final mile.
While S’Infiltre’s choice to wear a Chanel-esque tweed-suit (though not the wedge sandals!) provided her some cover, show security immediately swung into action. Before they could reach S’Infiltre, a thoroughly unimpressed Gigi Hadid, who was ahead of her on the runway and had observed the infiltration, swung into action.
When S’Infiltre turned to join a line up of models who had finished walking, Hadid stopped her in her tracks and firmly yet gently moved her off the runway.
In an exchange with CNN, S’Infiltre wouldn’t explain how she crashed Chanel’s super exclusive guest list but said, “Let’s say that the way it happened was probably not the smoothest, but I have known worse.”
She also dismissed Hadid for failing to understand her humor. “Gigi was quite nervous by all means and reacted quite aggressively to me. She clearly did not understand my comic approach. I understand her reaction somewhat and continue to love her in spite of that.”
S’Infiltre practiced her Chanel stunt by crashing Etam’s runway eariler in the week.
Check out all the action below, including a video from S’Infiltre’s channel.