Walker Wear as lead by April Walker has revealed the “RAW” campaign, a denim-themed effort celebrating of Black History Month through images featuring Black American stylists and designers, all of whom are photographed wearing the label’s latest offerings.
Creatives selected for the campaign include Kwasi Kwessi, Toni
Grant, DOMO, Marci Rodgers, Keia Bounds, Jai Hudson, C.L. White and Jannique Heard.
Looks are highlighted by a pair of dark denim jeans and jacket, both of which makes use of raw denim. Commenting on the choice to use an untreated version of the popular textile, Walker explains, “We want people to be more environmental. A washed and pre-distressed jean requires around 11 gallons of water to achieve that worn look, and that’s not counting the chemicals or extra manpower needed.
“The choice to use raw denim is because aesthetically we’re inspired by workwear, but most importantly, the idea is to reduce the overall
environmental and human rights impact in this fashion industry.”
Priced at $110 for jeans and $118 for a denim jacket, both items are available on walkerwear.com.
In an interview with Walker in spring of 2020 we discussed her “Women in Streetwear” exhibit, which you can check out here.
Check out campaign images below.