New York-based label Pyer Moss, led by Kerby Jean-Raymond, made a return to social media following several months of silence, unveiling a humorous 10th anniversary sale event dubbed “The Loot Out.” Offerings include unreleased apparel and shoes, archival collaborations and collections, runway samples, prototypes and an array of accessories.
“The Loot Out” is a reference to the nature of the sale, for which customers are alloted either one-minute ($100) or five minutes ($300) to grab and wear as much merchandise as possible, enabling the customers to feel like a “real life criminal.” Upon arrival at the location, phones will be collected by attendants. Those who wish, may have their multi-layered look photographed at the exit.
According to a reel on Pyer Moss’ Instagram fed, the event was inspired by “the luxury fashion industry’s global decline, the burgeoning dupe culture and the recent looting sprees in luxury stores across America.”
The Loot-Out is scheduled for December 21-22, 2023, with tickets set to be available for purchase exclusively on starting at 12:00 AM EST on December 4, 2023. Exact location and appointment time will be provided 24 hours in advance.