London-based designer Grace Wales Bonner returns for fall 2024 with her latest Adidas Originals x Wales Bonner collaboration, a nostalgic tribute to Harlem street style and Hip Hop culture. In an interview with Vogue, she explains, “I’m always interested in reinterpreting classics, bringing an elevated sense of craftsmanship, materiality, and color to the collection.”On the glossy crocodile-textured Superstar and Samba sneakers, Wales Bonner adds, “I wanted to create something that felt box-fresh with a certain sheen to it. To me, it was about creating something polished and soulful at the same time.”
The campaign captured by photographer Rennell Medrano, features professional skaters Carlisle Aikens and Kader Sylla. Apparel silhouettes reinterpret classic sportswear with floral vests, shorts, tracksuits, and outerwear.The adidas Originals by Wales Bonner fall 2024 collection drops globally on October 24th.
Enjoy a look at the campaign film and sneakers below.