Tokyo-based fashion label Ambush led by creative director Yoon Ahn, recently made waves on Instagram by revealing an exclusive t-shirt design inspired by Beyoncé‘s highly anticipated Cowboy Carter album. The design, which captures the essence of the album’s artwork, showcases a visual photographed by Tyler, Texas-native Blair Caldwell and styled by Shiona Turini, under the creative direction of Parkwood’s Andrew Makadsi.
The unveiling of Ambush’s tee coincides with Beyoncé’s album launch event, held in district of Shibuya, Japan, at Tower Records. The synergy between Ambush’s avant-garde aesthetic and Beyoncé’s visionary musical journey adds another layer of excitement to the much-anticipated release.
This collaboration between Ambush and Queen Bey herself promises to be a collector’s item for fashion enthusiasts and music aficionados alike.
Ambush’s Ahn hasn’t revealed whether there will be a wider release of the shirt. We will update here if we hear of a launch date.