A$AP crew member and VLONE designer ASAP Bari today (July 14, 2017) has responded with an apology for his behavior in a video that surfaced this week, showing him sexually assaulting a woman, who is shown naked and visibly distressed by his demands that she perform a sex act.
In the Instagram statement (below), Bari wrote, “A misleading video clip featuring adult content and activity has been released to the public without my knowledge or consent. Comments about myself or anyone being detained or arrested are false. We have resolved this issue amicably among all parties as adults. We were friends before this and will remain friends afterwards. Being raised by strong women who taught me to respect everyone, I’m disappointed in the situation as well as myself and will reflect on the situation appropriately.”
In the statement, Bari points to the women who raised him as reasons why he respects everyone, though of course having respect for a family member doesn’t always translate to treating all women with decency. It’s a statement that very much sounds like the individual who claims he can’t be a racist because he has a minority friend.
Nonetheless, given that Bari is partnering with corporations like Nike, he had no choice but to issue a statement. On that note, someone on Twitter posted a screen shot of a Nike tweet, stating the brand had cut ties with Vlone, however, it doesn’t appear to be an official statement issue by the brand.
As of yet, the woman in the video has remained silent. There were some tweets supposedly posted by the woman who was allegedly assaulted, in which she said Bari had been detained, but the feed was not only highly suspect, it has since been deleted.
At the same time, forever-depraved Ian Connor has attempted to turn this in a victory lap for himself, using the moment to try and turn back time, claiming a woman who accused him of rape had set him up. Apparently he’s posting video and text messages as evidence.
Nice try, except Connor was accused of not just assault but rape by multiple women five of whom have gone on the record with the Daily Mail. Meanwhile, The Daily Beast reported the stories of 10 of Connor’s alleged victims, some of whom he threatened when they went live with their stories.
End note: We still believe all the women who said they were raped.