A longtime advocate of a vegan diet, Russell Simmons visited VladTV to promote his latest book, “The Happy Vegan” and to speak his piece about his lifestyle choices. Simmons speaks about the health benefits of an animal free diet and also describes how commercial production of animals is a “karmic disaster” and also contributes to global warming.
Simmons warns against trusting government messages around food, explaining that the FDA works for business interests. Much of what he says would be viewed as fairly noncontroversial, but he does dip into debatable territory on a few topics, like whether or not humans are meant to eat meat, as well as discussions around the diets of historical figures. Simmons is a big fan of meditation and in the interview also touches on its benefits.
Whether or not one is willing to give up eating meat, as much money is spent by corporations pushing their profit-making food agendas, it’s always good to listen to individuals less motivated by making money who provide push back and alternate opinions.