Rihanna‘s Paris-based Fenty-label has updated its shop today (July 10, 2019) with a selection of two new over-sized t-shirts. New offerings include a two-sided “Immigrant” t-shirt in either black or white. The back of the t-shirt defines the word “origin” and reads: “late 18th century; from Latin ‘immigrating’, from the verb immigrare, on the pattern of emigrant.”
The second new t-shirt features an ornate, Asian-influenced dragon graphic on the front of the shirt while the back includes the Rih Navy trolling phrase “no more music.”
Priced at $240, the heavy weight, 100-percent cotton t-shirts are priced from XS-XXL. Do note, based on a purchase, we’d say even for over-sized, the shirts run a bit on the large size.