Indian American singer/rapper Raja Kumari (real name Svetha Yellapragada Rao) has dropped a visual for “Karma,” a track from her “Bloodline” EP released earlier this year. Directed by by artist Sam Madhu and styled by Sallony Mahendru, the neon-themed, artful video acts as the perfect visual realization of Kumari’s uniquely-informed sound.
In a press statement, Kumari explained, “‘Karma‘ is a reminder that beautiful things come to life when strong women put their skills together. The video was done by an all-female team. It started as a collaboration between myself and Sam Madhu and explores transitions from art to reality and remixes cultural elements from the past and the future.”
Kumari added, “It’s inspired by traditional Indian aesthetics and futuristic cyberpunk worlds. Sam basically developed the idea of a neon universe in which I’m the central character, where traditional Indian elements like Rakshasa masks, goddesses and tigers are reborn with contemporary, neon aesthetics to create a universe where I appear as an array of compelling, powerful female characters. So you’ll see a latex matrix-inspired Rakshasi, a neon devi with her shocking pink tiger, a futuristic laser goddess.
Check out “Karma” below.