Music creative SZA took to Twitter on Thursday where she provided her followers with tips on maintaining a healthy head of hair. Posting an image of herself shot in April that reveals a head of healthy hair extending halfway down her back, SZA recommended multiple items for achieving similar results.
Her results are noteworthy because SZA (real name Solána Rowe), who has described her curl pattern as 4C, frequently has spoken about struggles growing her hair because of dyeing it, but also because of illness and dietary issues. In high school she experienced hair loss because of a medication she took to treat an illness. She also tweeted about losing hair in 2019 because she was anemic. In her tweets, she noted she went through issues with hair loss more recently after taking Spironolactone, a drug used to treat acne and high blood pressure.
Hair Treatments
Reflecting a trend that’s gone viral on TikTok, SZA recommending using a rice water treatment, followed by aloe gel taken from the leaf rather than bottled versions. Additionally, she suggested using hair oil, specifically rosemary, peppermint, jojoba and castor. She added that she sometimes she mixes them and also uses Juices and Botanics oils, which is known for its natural hair growth products.
As a practice, SZA said she also mists her hair with a water/protein spray before she oils it, “even if it’s in braids.” When asked for a water/protein spray recommendation, SZA highlighted Juices and Botanics, leave-in conditioning spray. When a commenter highlighted Biontin as a hair supplement, SZA let it be known “Biotin broke me out BAD . Be careful if you gots da acne.”
For edge control, SZA depends on Gorilla Snot’s Punk formula plus water and a scarf. For a non-hair-related bonus, she let a follower know CeraVe SA cream is responsible for her buttery smooth knees.
Hair Supplements
In addition to hair products, SZA noted she also takes zinc, iron, vitamin C and D supplements for hair health. She also recommended a low maintenance approach, which we assume translates to as little heat and dye as possible. She noted, “I came back from like bald spots n bad hormonal problems.”
Protective Styles
Noting that she’s currently in braids, SZA recommended making use of protective styles. When asked if she’s wearing wig or box braids, she responded, “Wig braids ! Don’t let these ppl bully you out of protective styles lol wiiig me upppp watch me growww.”