As of late it’s hard not to be a bit fatigued by the handbag industry just because everybody–whether fast fashion or high-end–has a bag to sell. And in everyone’s rush to appear classic and lux and not about logos, sameness is rampant. Along comes award-winning U.K. designer Anya Hindmarch, thank goodness, with a fresh design approach that provides just enough of a twist to turn heads and create some excitement.
First showing up on her Autumn 2014 runway, Hindmarch stayed friendly with the bones of a minimalist sensibility but hijacked the look with sporty details like bungie chord handles and pop-art graphics like Tony the Tiger, a cereal mascot who has modern-day resonance for generations that came up in the ’80s and ’90s (back before the arrival of the processed food police). Then there is the genius of her graphic leather stickers, which are a sly logo of sorts, but just as much are fun and fresh and again provide a bit of nostalgia for the days when computers were only just beginning to take over our lives.
The bags have been a massive hit and Hindmarch has updated popular graphics like Tony the Tiger with new colors and materials, as well added altogether new silhouettes and pop art themse. All told she is on quite the roll and is absolutely one whose rising profile we will be watching closely. Check out some of the bags available now or coming soon to her store below.