Brooklyn-based L’Enchanteur as directed by identical twin designers Soull and Dynasty Ogun, has provided Snobette with a first look at its upcoming apparel and jewelry collection. Titled “Roseau, Lagos, Brooklyn: Hood Breakfast,” the collection is an ode to the designers’ parents’ 50-year old love story and their merged identities. Making a cross cultural connection in New York in the early ’70s, their Nigerian-born father and Dominica-born mother met in the New York in the early ’70s and raised a family in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Set to be released in April 2022, the collection follows on the heels of L’Enchanteur’s participation in Shanghai’s Innersect fair curated by Jerry Lorenzo.
Enjoy a look at the preview below photographed by Camilla Falquez with styling by Tiffani Styles under the creative direction of L’Enchanteur.