Texas-born Ainsley Landry, who goes by the moniker @ladybish on TikTok, received over 3.6 million views on the platform recently after she posted a series of videos themed around the trend of men wearing shorter shorts, which she has dubbed Hoochie Daddy Shorts.
An insurance agent by trade and host of The Crown Table podcast, Landry has now gained a significant following of people attracted to her unapologetic and humorous points of view on pop culture, music and relationships.
We had a phone conversation with Landry where she shared with us the idea behind her viral videos, which are still getting reposted as we speak. Check it out below.
Snobette: Where do you call home?
Ainsley Landry: “I was born and raised in Texas, specifically Galveston. Then, we relocated to Harris County, and I have been here for about 10 years now.

Snobette: Are you currently a full-time content creator?
Ainsley Landry: “Currently I pay my bills as a property and casualty insurance agent. In terms of content creation, that started with the Crown Table Talk podcast, a passion that I never knew I had. As for TikTok, I’m one of those people who mindlessly swipes. I get my life from so many of these videos. I never really posted a lot.”
Snobette: Where did the idea for the Hoochie Daddy Szn videos come from?
Ainsley Landry: “I started seeing the trend of stylish men being into shorter shorts on social media. Many of them looked good, but then I saw a few people that were doing it not so well. I then decided to create a short video inspired by things I would talk about in a group chat, to improve their look. It really was just for fun. That’s how it started.”
Snobette: What are your thoughts on these videos being seen as male objectification?
Ainsley Landry: ”I had to create a video response to that. It’s important to say that while my first video went viral, I initially made a total of four videos. The first one was for what I call the Platinum Hoochies, and the next one was for men who may not be athletic or feel insecure. After that, I created one for “Juicy Hoochies” aka my plus size fellas. Recently I posted a new video for the masculine identifying that I labeled as Stoochies.
“My purpose has been about being inclusive and giving people their roses. If you look good, you look good. We live in a world where women have been objectified so much that it’s become a social norm. If we are objectifying men a little bit, oh, well. And I feel like it’s just mainly guys that wear denim shorts that have a problem. That’s not my cross to bear. You know, I don’t feel like that’s a me problem. I feel that’s a you projection, and I can’t I can’t fix you.”
Snobette: What is next for you in terms of content creation?
Ainsley Landry: “I think I’m still trying to figure it out. All this attention is such an overnight thing. I realize that people love my direct advice and how I express myself.
“The podcast started like a therapy session for me. In 2019, I had a nervous breakdown at my 30th birthday. While I was on the bus with everybody, I just broke down. That night at the hotel, I acknowledged to myself that I was holding everything in, and too proud to admit that something was wrong. The Crown Table Talk podcast, has been a way to open up and share. We talk about everything ranging from battling depression to relationship dilemmas.
Right now, I’m open to exploring what else I could be doing. I most likely will relaunch the podcast soon.